Thursday, September 16, 2010

Common Ground Country Fair

...And more transformation!
It's the annual Common Ground Country Fair, sponsored by MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association), coming up in just two weekends. It's a great sort of groove fest, with all sorts of awesome vendors and amazing food and animals and fiber and art. And they also have all sorts of great speakers and panel discussions which I never get to go to because I am usually running hither and yon to satisfy everyone's whims. (I forget that this part can be pretty stressful.)
This year Jonas and his friends have secured a table at the YEZ (Youth Enterprise Zone), where they will sell their wares. Jonas has been dying silks and even hand-stiched a couple of silk capes (all rainbow colors represented!) and making wire-wrapped crystal pendants. Other friends are sewing costumes and making wooden swords.
These were his very first ones. Up next: purples and blues! I think the dying process was really exciting for him (and fun for me to be the coach!): it's so alchemical and magical! And the results are beautiful. (We used these dyes.)
Here is our new friend, now on day 8 of being in her crysallis. She ate and ate and pooped and pooped for two days and then over the course of one night: WHAM. She turned from yellowy-black striped caterpillar into this jade green gem speckled with gold flecks. Seriously. Gold flecks!!! It blows my mind. I was really hoping to watch the transformation process, but I guess it's private.
Sometimes your mom is so annoying when you are reading your comic book and she tells you to "freeze!" "stop!" "I need that picture!" So here is a real picture of our domestic life, none of these overly-pretty bloggy pics: a few empty apple crisp bowls and a child being pestered by his mother.

1 comment:

  1. I love the rolling of the eyes in the honest picture of domestic life. That's an expression that gets worn often in this house, too!
