This week I am taking ATC-making to the Maine Libraries Conference in Bethel, Maine. I will have a table with supplies at the ready during the schmooze time on Thursday night. I am hoping some colleagues will stop by and take an art break, as I am sure our brains will be overloaded from a full day of inspiring programming. I will have a copy of Robinsunne's book to show (and maybe a couple for sale...), The Great Library ATC Swap, and will be happily chatting up the success of our program at Rockport Library!
And do you know the really exciting part? I will be away overnight and having a delightful break from all of the reminding/cajoling/nagging/lunch-making/grocery shopping/huge piles of laundry/morning meltdowns/evening irritabilities, etc. It's not really as bad as all that, but I am ready for a break.
100th Post Milestone is not too far off...
- One person makes three backgrounds, writes his/her name on the back, and then passes those three cards on to the
- Second person, who adds something similar to each of the three cards, writes their address on the back of the three, and passes them on to the
- Third person, who adds the finishing touches to each of the three, then sends them all back to the original person.
- The original person sends each of the other two people a finished card! So we each end up with one card from the edition.
Leave a comment if you are interested in trying this out with me, with your email address or other contact information if I don't already have it.
If your name is listed above, consider yourself invited to participate, but still leave a comment to RSVP. And if your name is not listed...Please consider this invitation is for you, also! I would SO LOVE to send off three backgrounds to those readers who stop by from exotic locales like Kuala Lumpur or Australia!
Sounds like fun! I would LOVE to participate. Let me know what I need to do?! And have a wonderful time at the Maine Libraries Conference. A little art R&R does the body...and soul...good!
ReplyDeleteI really like this idea, reminds my of some collab. work we did in 2D at SAIC... I'd be up for participating, just let me know what to do
ReplyDeleteI would love to join! what a great idea!
ReplyDeleteI completely accept!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely, lovely change of pace at the conference. (And thanks for the book promotion!!)
Iris, I've been interested in all you've written about ATC's, but I'm afraid I'll mess up, 'cause this is something new for me. It sounds right up my alley, though...I've taught some of the 7th and 8th graders how to create an altered, with a few more particulars I'd like to try. I love love love reading your blog, too! Hugs to you all, Chris
ReplyDeleteI always arrive late to the party, but oh my goodness, YES! Sounds like fun...I'm in!
ReplyDeleteAnd's really impossible to mess this up, unless of course your contribution to each card is a performance piece involving burning the cards to ashes then painting your face with them (but then if you photo document your performance we could then go on to alter the photos I guess).