Saturday, January 9, 2010

A nice place to sit.

I definitely grew up in a house of words, with a word-loving mama and books everywhere. In addition to being a writer, editor, and kindergarten teacher, my mother is also gifted when it comes to juxtaposing images. You can see this in the calendars that she edited, and this is a compilation of some of the poetry and quotes that were interspersed in those pages (and by the way, that wonderful cover painting by Linda Post hangs in her house).
She saves cards and calendars and magazine pictures and makes things like this with them.
Once she decoupaged the bottom of my bunk bed, so that I had all sorts of interesting images to drift off to sleep with. Someday I would like that bottom bunk bed to hang in my house as an art piece. She made Jonas a small step-stool with pictures all over it. This is now the second bathroom she has completely covered (not in the same house!). (Here is one more photo from the series.)
Jonas found himself distracted from the main business that takes place in these rooms. And can you imagine that some visitors to her house don't even remark on it when they emerge? So. That is a little bit about the creative endeavors of my mother.
And a Very Blessed New Year to You! Could you possibly have resisted those cheeks and those fingers so delicately placed on the tiny glass of bubbly apple cider? Here is another photo that is a prelude to the above.

And Oh! I have been knitting quite a lot and a post is coming soon about that!


  1. So now we are beginning to see a little where the love of words and images came from. Beautiful.

    Thanks for the compendium Iris, it arrived yesterday. Very amusing!

  2. So nice to see details of your mom's home...I think of it (and her) often and miss her calendars every year!
