I have two classes this semester, though one of them feels like two classes by itself, about information and how we find things. What I hate is group work, because as much as you already hated group work live and in person, group work virtually is even worse. Thankfully, my group is very motivated and on top of things. Still, it's stressful. Another thing I hate is textbooks that require translation sentence-by-sentence to know that actually, I already know what they are talking about and I have personal experience in the real world with the concept, but it took me a few minutes to make that connection because of the Academic Way the authors have written it.
What I love is learning. Always and everything. Forever. I like reading. I like making connections with things I do in the library where I work, or things I could do. I like writing compare and contrast papers. I like meeting virtual colleagues online and getting to know them through their writing and posts. I am curious, and new ideas and technology intrigue me. I like constructing arguments and doing research. I like quiet study.
What's hard is that I went away this week and the work was still there, yet with none of my usual structure for doing it. And I am single-parenting. And my mom has dial-up, so I had to find high-speed wireless daily. Wah, wah, wah. Well, all I am saying is that it has been hard lately. I found myself just a little jealous of my brother's friends who are students full-time, no kids, jobs, spouses, etc. I mean, I like all of these other parts of my life, don't get me wrong. It was just momentary wistfulness.
Good on you to be a student on top of everything else! I will be at the atc swap with bells on! xo peggy