Sunday, March 15, 2009

In the Kitchen

...With beloved foodie friends this weekend. It was hard to ignore the sun, which was making gorgeous light. We had a summer meal to counteract the effects of March.
Blueberry pie with frozen blueberries still tastes good in March
The beginning of Guacamole for 6
Ratio of avocados per person= 1:1
Climate miles expended: We don't want to think about it
Yummy buzzy bee barley-sweetened lolly
When did he start looking 20 years old?
Buried in snow, loving it
even when his brother almost shaved off his face with the shovel
when he was uncovering.


  1. broken record begins now: beautiful photography Iris you have a true talent

  2. He does look 20!

    What a rock star.

    And I am loving the eggs lately.

    You should hook me up.

    Swap for fabric?



  3. OOOOOh, great idea! I want to collaborate, yes! Hanky handmades for all!

    email me at peggyandrews at mac dot com and we can talk the details.

    p.s. Your son is so grown up in that picture, yes. How do they do that in pictures? It's like we get a glimpse of the not-to-distant-future.

  4. p.s. I tagged you (yes, again!) lemonade-style!
