"Who Knows the Happiness of Fish?" below, is a reference to my grandma who, when she was living with my mom and brother, would repeatedly ask: Do fish sleep? This one is already in the mail to my brother who would field Grandma's questions differently, as the mood struck him.
Here are two by Jonas, from that night when we were in the groove together! This one, below, uses origami paper, a magazine close-up of an autumn leaf, and part of a card from Joanie! I won't tell you who it's for...
Finally, in our recent excavations, I unearthed this headless, hapless fellow. He is a maple sugar candy guy, all crystalized and weird now after who knows how long. Probably someone started to eat him, beginning with the head, and some Mama interrupted the feast and "put him away for later." Much later, as it turned out!
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