They have a French name, but I call them mini-daffodils,
obviously mugging for the camera.
They come from my sweet library director.
Art at the Library: Artist Journal Mini-CourseWe had the first workshop today at the Rockport Public Library and I am happy to tell you it was a total success.
We had fun. We had all slots filled. We spoke about memoirs, journals, and creating personal narratives. We had books on display from our collection that reflected these themes, for adults and kids. We were packed into the plasticized children's room, USING PAINT. In the Library. With lots of Books, Carpet, etc. And it was just terrific. Amazing art playtime was had by all. Also: we were lucky enough to be the recipient of a Rudman Family Grant from the Maine Community Foundation, to help with underwriting the cost of supplies, a stipend for Robinsunne, and purchasing an instructional video with some of these awesome techniques we are playing with.
Today it was paint, spray bottle, scrunched up paper towels and newspaper, and flexible modeling paste (think spackle but when it dries it doesn't crack), to make these interesting multi-textured bases for our pages. More embellishments to come!Swap--CHOO update
Peggy and I have been getting some great PR for our Swap! We are featured on the Swapdex as well as on One Crafty Place. This last blog has some great ideas for Easter/Spring crafts you should definitely check out (OK, even if it's actually FALL for you southern hemisphere gals). And amidst our arting at the library today, Carol showed me her wonderful trick with the thimble that she told us about in the comments section of the Swap--CHOO post; it made the whole process very smooth. I really did have to see it to get it, but perhaps this is because I am not naturally facile with the thimble. There is still time to join the swap, just leave a comment with your email address on the original Swap--CHOO post.Kitchen newsThis becomes THIS:
Remember Annie's no-knead sourdough post I was telling you about? In addition to sending along the starter, there was also a complete dinner for my family. That EVERYONE. ACTUALLY. ATE. And even LIKED (yes, even the fussy among us). Chicken paprikash, Israeli Couscous, and Sourdough bread. And it was just about the best gift I have had in a long time, given at exactly the right moment. Again, thank you, friend. So I tried the recipe for the bread. Totally easy. The only thing you have to consider is the time frame, but I technically could throw together the dough in the morning, let it rise all day and make loaves when I get home in the afternoon, to eat with/for dinner. Let me just also reiterate: No kneading required. And again, she is giving away starters to any interested parties; leave a comment on the blog.
Here is the result:
The aroma was amazing.I also lack the right size and number of Dutch ovens to bake the loaves in. But I winged (wung?) it, with a covered casserole dish, and a glass bowl with a glass pot lid on top. At any rate, here is the result, and it was truly incredible. It was also kind of magic that the sourdough starter, a wild yeast from some 100 year-old organism, made this! It really worked!