Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Finding my way

I'm hungry for color.
I miss seeing bright saturated colors in the January palette of gray, white, brown, and black. I miss the smells of things that are alive. So I thought I would revisit some images from last May and June throughout this post.
rose petals, ready to be made into rose petal sorbet.

So now I am in a transition, finding a new rhythm as I work to keep my schoolwork, family work, library work, and artistic work in balance. Lately, I admit to being grumpy with my sweet and patient husband. It's because I have been feeling crowded out by all of the things I am trying to figure out and figure in.
above, that's homemade lemon curd.

While I assess the time I spend doing all of the things I do, I am going to take it as a blog assignment: who am I and what do I do in this busy life? How do I do it (all)? What do I not do? I am a mom, wife, artist, librarian and student, as a start---and each of those jobs require a different part of me. This thinking process will help inform my time structuring this spring. So stay tuned for a new theme over the next couple of weeks.

This is a good time to take stock, because on February 11th I will have my one-year blogging anniversary and a few days earlier, my 34th birthday! (Um, it's kind of sad I had to double check my math on that one.)
And oh yeah---the new computer arrived! It is amazing and I am just getting to know her. Every day it's like Christmas.
And another thing: the quilt and I have a date this Sunday. Yay!


  1. Dear Iris, you posted a link to your blog somewhere on some email (ATC sessions at the library?). It's been such fun to check in. Truly glorious photos, and inspiring handwork. I am thinking through everything as you are, so it will be fun to see how you find your balance. (I think of tightrope walkers!) best, Carol dC

  2. Ah, balance. I am a mere single woman with no children of my own and I STILL find it hard to make my day fit within 24 hours. Pulled in many directions, are we. But blessings to you for sharing your AMAZING blog for a wonderful, insightful, artistic, witty, playful year. And here's an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

  3. Hi Iris
    You know, sometimes life is like a big ugly foot with rotten toenails and leeches crawling all over it. In times like that, nagging at husband and children is imperative to sanity. Then a little reflection, some lovely photos and a cute blog will raise the spirits again. And/or a stiff drink and/or some chocolate. You've got a big year ahead for sure.

  4. Happy Almost-Blogiversary...

    and Almost-Birthday!!!

    Nice photos, too.

    (I needed that)

  5. Your May and June life could be my right now life. All the summer colours are everywhere and I have been making jam and looking at flowers and blue skies. I forget what winter feels like.
